Map Ranking

Mad Hatter Mercs

Tribe name:Mad Hatter Mercs
Number of members:5
Points of the best 5 players18.865
Total points:18.865
Average points:3.773
Opponents defeated: 266.470 (26.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Jakkool 1 11,313 44 4
Rui o conquistador 2 6,572 47 2
TomasRo (Duke) 3 954 92 1
NooBsKing 4 26 344 1
WarHero18 5 0 378 0
black_joker JESTER & BARD musical_score Confederation war dogs -- wolf we bite and we woof wolf - do not approach us for dips boom